Whilst sitting here waiting for the log in page to load and the kettle to boil I happened to read the first couple of lines of the last post and thought ...... how wonderful would it be to have a sunlight STImulating bulb.... you turn it on and out comes the sun!! ( I know I scare myself sometimes, please don't phone the men in white coats, I rang them last week and asked if anyone was in room 47. Their reply was "no" ..... " Oh good" I exclaimed " I've escaped!!" )
Ok onto the knitting which has been a constant throughout my absence on here. You can now find me on that amazingly time consuming place Ravelry. I am very pleased to say that after months of encouragement and ..... well yes nagging, my daughter is now knitting again. The reason is that Marvellous Maggie took up knitting ( mother's don't inspire daughters enough to knit it seems !) here is the scene on my sofa 2 weeks ago.
Needless to say I didn't get very much knitting done at all ( I have however made up for it since!!)
I have been making a pair of river rapid socks but found that it wasn't something that I could just sit and do mindlessly so, after reading many other peoples posts on Ravelry about having both a challenging and a very simple project on the needles at the same time I thought I would do that. I don't usually like to have so many projects on the needles, preferring to work on one at a time usually but this did satisfy the different knitting urges I had and seemed to work well.
River Rapid socks ( a sock bug pattern)
The plain old sock ... made with machine washable wool as all my lovely wool socks keep shrinking even when handwashed ... boo hoo
I made a pair of mittens for my daughter at Christmas. My sister, who is disabled and has arthritis in her hands asked for a pair so I am now knitting a third project .... well tecnically now a second as I have just finished the plain old socks!