Thursday, 17 April 2008

Knitting.... at last you say!

Whilst sitting here waiting for the log in page to load and the kettle to boil I happened to read the first couple of lines of the last post and thought ...... how wonderful would it be to have a sunlight STImulating bulb.... you turn it on and out comes the sun!! ( I know I scare myself sometimes, please don't phone the men in white coats, I rang them last week and asked if anyone was in room 47. Their reply was "no" ..... " Oh good" I exclaimed " I've escaped!!" )

Ok onto the knitting which has been a constant throughout my absence on here. You can now find me on that amazingly time consuming place Ravelry. I am very pleased to say that after months of encouragement and ..... well yes nagging, my daughter is now knitting again. The reason is that Marvellous Maggie took up knitting ( mother's don't inspire daughters enough to knit it seems !) here is the scene on my sofa 2 weeks ago.

Needless to say I didn't get very much knitting done at all ( I have however made up for it since!!)

I have been making a pair of river rapid socks but found that it wasn't something that I could just sit and do mindlessly so, after reading many other peoples posts on Ravelry about having both a challenging and a very simple project on the needles at the same time I thought I would do that. I don't usually like to have so many projects on the needles, preferring to work on one at a time usually but this did satisfy the different knitting urges I had and seemed to work well.

River Rapid socks ( a sock bug pattern)
The plain old sock ... made with machine washable wool as all my lovely wool socks keep shrinking even when handwashed ... boo hoo

I made a pair of mittens for my daughter at Christmas. My sister, who is disabled and has arthritis in her hands asked for a pair so I am now knitting a third project .... well tecnically now a second as I have just finished the plain old socks!

Saturday, 12 April 2008

The return ...

After a considerable absence I am back. Don't ask what happened ...the dreaded Winter ! Am I the only one who gets down through those long dark months? This year, I swear I am buying sunlight simulating bulbs. Feeling much better now thought I love light, damn it I need light.

Has the tide turned? I have recently found several sites accepting and even celebrating the larger form, hurray!! Celebrities are goo goo eyed over their larger wives who have not bowed to pressure to become 'fashionably thin' . I have recently seen photo's of Pierce Brosnan who is obviously loving his wife's curves, and am beginning to believe my husband when he tells me he really doesn't find stick's attractive.( I should have put that he finds my body attractive .... still hard to say !) Why, because we are larger do we instantly think we are less worthy and unnatractive? Well today I feel attractive and yes, I am large but boy I wouldn't swap my breasts or curves for anything? If losing weight means losing my curvy-ess (is that a word?) then I will stay larger. I know that I will never be thin and that it wouldn't suit me, I also know health wise I need to lose a little weight just for comfort etc but i am not aspiring to become a size 14.

Sites that I have found refreshing and inspiring recently include

Too Fat For Fashion

We're here. We're fat. Get used to it - This Britain, UK - The Independent Check out other parts of the site expecially adios barbie.

Oh and you should definately watch this gorgeous babe and her 'fat rant' Fantastic!!!