Monday 20 August 2007

Phew just let me catch my breath …. Had a very busy weekend which included a lovely walk. This afternoon I am going to meet a couple of friends for a drink and a gossip!

Ok now to get down to the serious stuff! This blog is after all about my life and my obsession with food, which I have to say has been in evidence much less over the past couple of weeks which has led me to draw certain conclusions.

  • I am obsessed with food and this is not a conscious fat persons greedy obsession but an illness much like drug addiction or alcoholism.
  • I eat to make myself forget, feel happy and to combat stress and boredom.
  • Whilst on holiday recently I ate a good breakfast and WAS OFTEN NOT HUNGRY OR THINKING OF FOOD for most of the rest of the day! Which led me to think about the boredom and anxiety I feel at home. My conclusion is that I definitely need to continue with the cbt and change my attitudes and behaviour.
  • I love cooking and when I am cooking good wholesome fresh food, I eat much more sensibly and feel much more satisfied.
  • I am becoming very concerned ( down right pissed off) at the media and public perception/ prejudice against larger members of the community. There has been an awful lot in the press recently from fat people just being greedy, to them costing the nhs more to the ‘ who ate all the pies comments’ I rarely eat pies and I bet my general diet is a lot more healthy than many thin ‘normal looking people’.

My plan of action is now to continue with my therapy and tackle smaller chunks of my problems rather than try to change every thing at once. I don’t necessarily think that dieting is the answer for me …. I strongly believe that eating a healthy balanced diet and reducing my portion sizes is the answer for me. I am aware that I will have good days and bad days and hope that I will not blow the whole day or week because I succumb to temptation occasionally. I also firmly believe that a balanced diet does not mean depriving oneself of the odd treat, just making sensible choices and ensuring a balance.

Nuff said! Have a good day.


Rachael said...

That sounds like a remarkably sane plan, you go girl!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sam

I hope you don't mind me chipping in...

I'm really behind you on the no diet / healthy eating idea... I'm currently the biggest I have ever been. While I've never been thin, the rot set in when I was involved in a serious road accident in 2002 which resulted in me being in a wheelchair for 6 months (I had badly boken an arm and a leg, so no crutches for me!)... since then I've produced a daughter which was not good for my figure either...

While I do sometimes wish I could wear some of the clothes I have at the back of the cupboard, I am currently the happiest I have ever been... I did try a vegetarian version of Atkins in the New Year (what was I thinking of?!) and did lose a stone or so, much to the admiration of my colleagues at school, some of whom are obsessed with (not) eating (although not as bad as may previous school where there was a little group who had a 'weigh in' on a Friday morning...) I also then succumbed to the worst set of virus / infection I have ever had and was off school for 2 weeks... one depleted immune system!

So, healthy eating, treats and smaller portions for me too...

best wishes

Sam said...

I just wanted to thank everyone for their comments. I really appreciate the support and it was a real thrill to get my first comments!!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.